Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation


Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation

About Book

Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation

    This book has been created as study material for university students majoring in electrical, electronics, and instrumentation. This book makes an effort to explain measurements and instrumentation in a straightforward manner. Selected examples (solved problems) and bits are presented with thorough justifications throughout the book.

    The book's chapters are organized in the correct order, starting with Electrical and moving on to Electronics, Measurements, and Instrumentation. This makes it possible for each topic to build on prior research, which is crucial 

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Table Of Contents

1: Measurements and Instruments

1.1 - Introduction

1.2 - Terminology

1.3 - Performance Characteristics

1.4 - Significant Figures

1.5 - Dynamic Characteristics

1.6 - Types of Errors

1.7 - Statistical Analysis

1.8 - Measurement Standards

1.9 - Suspension Galvanometer

1.10 - D'Arsonval Movement

1.11 - Direct Current Meters

1.12 - D'Arsonval Meter Movement Used in DC Voltmeters

2: Waveform Generators

2.1 - Introduction

2.2 - Considerations in Choosing an Oscillator or Signal Generator

2.3 - Sine Wave Generator

2.4 - Oscillator Circuit

2.5 - Attenuator

2.6 - Frequency-Synthesised Signal Generator

2.7 - Sweep-Frequency Generator

2.8 - Pulse and Square Wave Generator

2.9 - Function Generator

2.10 - Arbitrary Waveform Generator

3: Signal Analysers

3.1 - Introduction

3.2 - Wave Analyser

3.3 - AF Wave Analyser

3.4 - High-Frequency Wave Analyser

3.5 - Harmonic Distortion

3.6 - Heterodyne Wave Analyser

3.7 - Tuned Circuit Harmonic Analyser

3.8 - Heterodyne Harmonic Analyser or Wavemeter

3.9 - Fundamental Suppression Harmonic Distortion Analyser

3.10 - Spectrum Analyser

4: Oscilloscopes

4.1 - Introduction

4.2 - Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

4.3 - Block Diagram of a CRO

4.4 - Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

4.5 - Graticules

4.6 - Electrostatic Deflection Sensitivity

4.6.1 - Design Criteria

4.7 - Different Controls in a CRO

4.7.1 - How to Operate a CRO

4.8 - Time Base Generators

4.8.1 - Time Base Circuits

4.9 - Triggered Mode

5: Special Types of CROs

5.1 - Special Types of Oscilloscopes

5.2 - Dual Beam CRO

5.3 - Dual Trace CRO

5.4 - Sampling Oscilloscope

6: DC and AC Bridges

6.1 - Introduction

6.2 - DC Bridges

6.3 - Wheatstone Bridge

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