Chemical Engineering Design Principles Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design
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Chemical Engineering Design Principles Practice |
Chemical Engineering Design, Second Edition, deals with the application of chemical engineering principles to the design of chemical processes and equipment. Revised throughout, this edition has been specifically developed for the U.S. market. It provides the latest US codes and standards, including API, ASME and ISA design codes and ANSI standards. It contains new discussions of conceptual plant design, flowsheet development, and revamp design; extended coverage of capital cost estimation, process costing, and economics; and new chapters on equipment selection, reactor design, and solids handling processes. A rigorous pedagogy assists learning, with detailed worked examples, end of chapter exercises, plus supporting data, and Excel spreadsheet calculations, plus over 150 Patent References for downloading from the companion website. Extensive instructor resources, including 1170 lecture slides and a fully worked solutions manual are available to adopting instructors. This text is designed for chemical and biochemical engineering students (senior undergraduate year, plus appropriate for capstone design courses where taken, plus graduates) and lecturers/tutors, and professionals in industry (chemical process, biochemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical sectors).
Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers
Table Of Contents
CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Design
Key Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Nature of Design
1.3 The Organization of a Chemical Engineering Project
1.4 Project Documentation
1.5 Codes and Standards
1.6 Design Factors (Design Margins)
1.7 Systems of Units
1.8 Product Design
CHAPTER 2. Process Flowsheet Development
Key Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Flowsheet Presentation
2.3 The Anatomy of a Chemical Manufacturing Process
2.4 Selection, Modification, and Improvement of Commercially-Proven Processes
2.5 Revamps of Existing Plants
2.6 Synthesis of Novel Flowsheets
2.7 PFD Review
2.8 Overall Procedure for Flowsheet Development
CHAPTER 3. Utilities and Energy Efficient Design
Key Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Utilities
3.3 Energy Recovery
3.4 Waste Stream Combustion
3.5 Heat-exchanger Networks
3.6 Energy Management in Unsteady Processes
CHAPTER 4. Process Simulation
Key Learning Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Process Simulation Programs
4.3 Specification of Components
4.4 Selection of Physical Property Models
4.5 Simulation of Unit Operations
4.6 User Models
4.7 Flowsheets With Recycle
4.8 Flowsheet Optimization
4.9 Dynamic Simulation
CHAPTER 5. Instrumentation and Process Control
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The P&I Diagram
5.3 Process Instrumentation and Control
5.4 Conventional Control Schemes
5.5 Alarms, Safety Trips, and Interlocks
5.6 Batch Process Control
5.7 Computer Control Systems
CHAPTER 6. Materials of Construction
Key Learning Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Material Properties
6.3 Mechanical Properties
6.4 Corrosion Resistance
6.5 Selection for Corrosion Resistance
6.6 Material Costs
6.7 Contamination
6.8 Commonly Used Materials of Construction
6.9 Plastics as Materials of Construction for Chemical Plant
6.10 Ceramic Materials (Silicate Materials)
6.11 Carbon
6.12 Protective Coatings
6.13 Design for Corrosion Resistance
CHAPTER 7. Capital Cost Estimating
Key Learning Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Components of Capital Cost
7.3 Accuracy and Purpose of Capital Cost Estimates
7.4 Order of Magnitude Estimates
7.5 Estimating Purchased Equipment Costs
7.6 Estimating Installed Costs: The Factorial Method
7.7 Cost Escalation
7.8 Location Factors
7.9 Estimating Offsite Capital Costs
7.10 Computer Tools for Cost Estimating
7.11 Validity of Cost Estimates
CHAPTER 8. Estimating Revenues and Production Costs
Key Learning Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Costs, Revenues, and Profits
8.3 Product and Raw Material Prices
8.4 Estimating Variable Production Costs
8.5 Estimating Fixed Production Costs
8.6 Summarizing Revenues and Production Costs
CHAPTER 9. Economic Evaluation of Projects
Key Learning Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Cash Flows during a Project
9.3 Project Financing
9.4 Taxes and Depreciation
9.5 Simple Methods for Economic Analysis
9.6 Present Value Methods
9.7 Annualized Cost Methods
9.8 Sensitivity Analysis
9.9 Project Portfolio Selection
CHAPTER 10. Safety and Loss Prevention
Key Learning Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Materials Hazards
10.3 Process Hazards
10.4 Analysis of Product and Process Safety
10.5 Failure-Mode Effect Analysis
10.6 Safety Indices
10.7 Hazard and Operability Studies
10.8 Quantitative Hazard Analysis
10.9 Pressure Relief
CHAPTER 11. General Site Considerations
Key Learning Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Plant Location and Site Selection
11.3 Site Layout
11.4 Plant Layout
11.5 Environmental Considerations
CHAPTER 12. Optimization in Design
Key Learning Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Design Objective
12.3 Constraints and Degrees of Freedom
12.4 Trade-Offs
12.5 Problem Decomposition
12.6 Optimization of a Single Decision Variable
12.7 Search Methods
12.8 Optimization of Two or More Decision Variables
12.9 Linear Programming
12.10 Nonlinear Programming
12.11 Mixed Integer Programming
12.12 Optimization in Industrial Practice
CHAPTER 13. Equipment Selection, Specification, and Design
Key Learning Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Sources of Equipment Design Information
13.3 Guide to Equipment Selection And Design
CHAPTER 14. Design of Pressure Vessels
Key Learning Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
14.3 Fundamentals of Strength of Materials
14.4 General Design Considerations for Pressure Vessels
14.5 The Design of Thin-Walled Vessels Under Internal Pressure
14.6 Compensation for Openings and Branches
14.7 Design of Vessels Subject to External Pressure
14.8 Design of Vessels Subject to Combined Loading
14.9 Vessel Supports
14.10 Bolted Flanged Joints
14.11 Welded Joint Design
14.12 Fatigue Assessment of Vessels
14.13 Pressure Tests
14.14 High-Pressure Vessels
14.15 Liquid Storage Tanks
CHAPTER 15. Design of Reactors and Mixers
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Reactor Design: General Procedure
15.3 Sources of Reaction Engineering Data
15.4 Choice of Reaction Conditions
15.5 Mixing
15.6 Heating and Cooling of Reacting Systems
15.7 Multiphase Reactors
15.8 Reactor Design for Catalytic Processes
15.9 Design of Bioreactors
15.10 Multifunctional Batch Reactors
15.11 Computer Simulation of Reactors
15.12 Determining Actual Reactor Performance
15.13 Safety Considerations in Reactor Design
15.14 Capital Cost of Reactors
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Chemical Engineering Design Principles Practice