100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever


100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever

Cyber Motivation

100 Ways to Motivate Yourself

When this book was first written (in 1995), the entire world was not yet living in cyberspace. The Internet was a relatively new idea, and very few of us knew how big a part of our lives it would become. As the new millennium dawned, a strange thing began to happen. People everywhere were writing again, just as people did in the 1800s when they took their quills out to write letters and diaries. The age of mind-numbing television viewing had been eclipsed by the age of chat rooms and e-mail.

This wonderful evolutionary jump in civilization gave this little book that you are holding in your hands right now brand-new life. All of a sudden the fight for limited shelf space in bookstores was not as important to a book's success. What became most important was the book's word-of-mouth "buzz" over the Internet. Soon people were e-mailing other people about this book and the Internet bookstores (with infinite shelf space) were selling copies as fast as Career Press could print them. I began getting e-mails from readers as far away as Taiwan and Japan and as close as my computer screen. 

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Table Of Contents

Preface: Cyber Motivation 11

Introduction: You have no personality 15

100 Ways

1. Get on your deathbed 19

2. Stay hungry 21

3. Tell yourself a true lie 23

4. Keep your eyes on the prize 24

5. Learn to sweat in peace 25

6. Simplify your life 27

7. Look for the lost gold 31

8. Push all your own buttons 33

9. Build a track record 34

10. Welcome the unexpected 35

11. Find your master key 36

12. Put your library on wheels 38

13. Definitely plan your work 41

14. Bounce your thoughts 42

15. Light your lazy dynamite 44

16. Choose the happy few 45

17. Learn to play a role 47

18. Don't just do something...sit there 48

19. Use your brain chemicals 50

20. Leave high school forever 52

21. Learn to lose your cool 54

22. Kill your television 56

23. Break out of your soul cage

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