Excel Basics In 30 Minutes


Excel Basics In 30 Minutes


Excel Basics In 30 Minutes

    Most people assume that spreadsheet programs such as Excel are intended for accountants, analysts, financiers, scientists, mathematicians, and other geeky types. Creating a spreadsheet, sorting data, using functions, and making charts seems daunting. Many think that these are tasks best left to the nerds.


    I’m here to tell you that spreadsheets are not just for nerds. Almost anyone can use Excel for work, school, personal projects and other uses. I’ve written this guide to help you quickly get up to speed on basic concepts, using plain English, step-by-step instructions, and lots of screenshots. Thirty minutes from now, you’ll know how to:

  • Create a spreadsheet and enter numbers and text into cells.
  • Perform addition, multiplication, and other simple mathematical functions.
  • Derive values based on percentages.
  • Perform timesaving tasks, such as sorting large lists and automatically applying the same formula across a range of values.
  • Make great-looking charts.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Basics: Cells, Functions, and Formulas

The different flavors of Excel

Using this guide with Excel and Google Sheets

Firing up Excel and creating a new file

Working with cells

Your first spreadsheet formula 

Introducing functions with SUM

AutoSum and the one Greek letter you need to know

Chapter 2: More Basic Excel Skills: Percentages,

Pasting, and Rows

Working with multiple worksheets

How to create a new worksheet

Copy, paste, and paste special

How to duplicate a worksheet

Adding rows

What happens to functions, formulas, and references 

Using percentages

Chapter 3: Sorting and Filtering 


Hiding rows and columns 

Rearranging a list in alphabetical order

Basic sorting in Excel

Basic sorting in Google Sheets

An alternate sorting scenario

Sorting with multiple criteria

Chapter 4: Printing, PDFs, and Import/Export Features


Adjust column widths

Switch from portrait to landscape mode

How to set the print area

Printing cell outlines

Exporting PDFs

Importing and exporting

Importing data into Excel

Exporting data

Exporting charts

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