ReactJS: Become a professional in web app development


ReactJS: Become a professional in web app development

ReactJS: Become a professional in web app development
ReactJS: Become a professional in web app development


    ReactJS tutorial explains both fundamental and sophisticated ReactJS ideas. One of the most widely used JavaScript front-end libraries right now, ReactJS has a solid basis and a sizable community. For creating reusable UI components, ReactJS is a declarative, effective, and adaptable JavaScript toolkit. It is a front end component library that is open-source and only in charge of the application's view layer. Initially created and maintained by Facebook, it was eventually incorporated into services like WhatsApp and Instagram.

Why we use ReactJS?

    The main objective of ReactJS is to develop User Interfaces (UI) that improves the speed of the apps. It uses virtual DOM (JavaScript object), which improves the performance of the app. The JavaScript virtual DOM is faster than the regular DOM. We can use ReactJS on the client and server-side as well as with other frameworks. It uses component and data patterns that improve readability and helps to maintain larger apps.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Handling of Complex States
Chapter 2- Creating a Scrollable Table In React
Chapter 3- Rendering on the Server-Side
Chapter 4- Creating a Chrome Extension
Chapter 5- Data Visualization in React.js
Chapter 6- Showing Exceptions
Chapter 7- Testing React Components
Chapter 8- Building a Sliding Menu
Chapter 9- Creating a Dropdown
Chapter 10- React JS and Flux Architecture

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