Microsoft Excel Data Analysis For Dummies


Microsoft Excel Data Analysis For Dummies

Excel is the world's most popular spreadsheet application. It is a key module in Microsoft Office, the leading productivity suite, as well as the leading business intelligence tool. An Excel dashboard report is a graphical representation of critical data that employs gauges, maps, charts, sliders, and other graphical elements to present complex data in an understandable format.

Excel Data Analysis For Dummies explains how to use Excel as a tool for analysing large data sets in detail. You'll quickly learn how to mine and analyse critical data to make better business decisions.

Microsoft Excel Data Analysis For Dummies

Use external databases, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts to your advantage.

Excel is useful for statistical and financial functions, as well as data sharing.

Learn how to use Solver.

Use the Small Business Finance Manager software.

Contents in Microsoft Excel Data Analysis For Dummies


Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started with Data Analysis 5

Chapter 1: Learning Basic Data-Analysis Techniques 7

Chapter 2: Working with Data-Analysis Tools 31

Chapter 3: Introducing Excel Tables 53

Chapter 4: Grabbing Data from External Sources 75

Chapter 5: Scrub-a-Dub-Dub: Cleaning Data 97

Chapter 6: Analyzing Table Data with Functions 119

Part 2: Analyzing Data with PivotTables and PivotCharts 133

Chapter 7: Creating and Using PivotTables 135

Chapter 8: Performing PivotTable Calculations 155

Chapter 9: Building PivotCharts 177

Part 3: Discovering Advanced Data Analysis Tools 197

Chapter 10: Tracking Trends and Making Forecasts 199

Chapter 11: Analyzing Data with Statistics 219

Chapter 12: Analyzing Data with Descriptive Statistics 237

Chapter 13: Analyzing Data with Inferential Statistics 253

Part 4: The Part of Tens 271

Chapter 14: Ten Things You Ought to Know about Statistics 273

Chapter 15: Ten Ways to Analyze Financial Data 285

Chapter 16: Ten Ways to Raise Your PivotTable Game 295



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