JAVA: A Beginner's Guide to Learning the Basics of Java Programming


JAVA: A Beginner's Guide to Learning the Basics of Java Programming

Learning the Basics of Java Programming
Learning the Basics of Java Programming


    Java is regarded as a simple language, because it doesn’t have complicated features such as Explicit memory allocation, pointers, Multiple inheritance, and Operator overloading.


    Java comes with a virtual firewall between the computer and the application. Java codes are restricted inside the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which doesn’t approve unauthorized access for the system resources.


    A code written in Java on one platform could run on another platform on a different machine. The Java byte code could be transported to any platform for operation, which makes java code very portable.

Platform Independent

    A platform refers to a pre-established set-up to run a program, conform to its restrictions, and use its features. During the compilation phase, the java program is converted into a byte code, which could be used to any platform such as Mac/OS, Linux, or Windows. Therefore, a program that has been compiled on Linux can still be used on Windows and vice versa. That is why Java is a platform independent programming language.


    Java supports multi-threading because it allows a program to perform several tasks all at the same time.

Object Oriented

    Java is an object oriented programming language, because it can organize programs as a group of objects that each represent an instance of a class. The four primary concepts of OOP are: polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction. You will understand each concept as you learn java programming.

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    Through java programming, you can develop distributed applications. Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and Remote Method Invocation (RMI) are employed for developing distributed apps using Java. To put this simply, you can distribute java programs on several systems that are linked to one another through the Internet. Objects within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) could run protocols using a remote JVM.


    Mishandled runtime errors and memory management mistakes are the two main problems which cause program failures. Java can handle these issues with high efficiency. Mishandled runtime errors could be resolved through Exception Handling protocol, while memory management mistakes could be resolved by garbage collection, which is an automatic de-allocation of objects that are already unnecessary

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Java Programming
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Chapter 3 – Java Variables
Chapter 4 – Control Flow
Chapter 5 – Java Arrays
Chapter 6 – Java String Methods

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