Hands-On Data Analysis with NumPy and pandas


Hands-On Data Analysis with NumPy and pandas

Hands-On Data Analysis with NumPy and pandas


  Pandas is a high-performance, user-friendly data structure and data analysis package for the Python programming language that is open-source and BSD-licensed. Python and Pandas are utilised in a variety of academic and professional sectors, such as finance, economics, statistics, analytics, etc. The different Python Pandas capabilities and practical applications will be covered in this tutorial.


    A general-purpose package for handling arrays is called NumPy. It offers a multidimensional array object with outstanding speed as well as capabilities for interacting with these arrays. It is the cornerstone Python module for scientific computing. The programme is open-source. It has a number of characteristics, including the following crucial ones:

  • A powerful N-dimensional array object
  • Sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
  • Tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
  • Useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities

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Table of contents

1. Setting Up a Python Data Analysis Environment

What is Anaconda?

Installing Anaconda

Exploring Jupyter Notebooks

Exploring alternatives to Jupyter

  • Spyder
  • Rodeo
  • ptpython

Package management with Conda

  • What is Conda?
  • Conda environment management
  • Managing Python
  • Package management

Setting up a database

  • Installing MySQL
  • MySQL connectors
  • Creating a database

2. Diving into NumPY

NumPy arrays

Special numeric values

Creating NumPy arrays

  • Creating ndarray

3. Operations on NumPy Arrays

Selecting elements explicitly

  • Slicing arrays with colons

Advanced indexing

Expanding arrays

Arithmetic and linear algebra with arrays

  • Arithmetic with two equal-shaped arrays
  • Broadcasting

Linear algebra

Employing array methods and functions

  • Array methods
  • Vectorization with ufuncs
    • Custom ufuncs

4. pandas are Fun! What is pandas?

What does pandas do?

Exploring series and DataFrame objects

  • Creating series
  • Creating DataFrames
  • Adding data
  • xSaving DataFrames

Subsetting your data

  • Subsetting a series

Indexing methods

  • Slicing a DataFrame

5. Arithmetic, Function Application, and Mapping with pandas


  • Arithmetic with DataFrames
  • Vectorization with DataFrames
  • DataFrame function application

Handling missing data in a pandas DataFrame

  • Deleting missing information
  • Filling missing information

6. Managing, Indexing, and Plotting

Index sorting

  • Sorting by values

Hierarchical indexing

  • Slicing a series with a hierarchical index

Plotting with pandas

  • Plotting methods
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