Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles


Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles



Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles
Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

    This book continues with the philosophy of the previous editions in that it may be used as a complete set of course notes for students undertaking the study of Electrical and Electronic Principles in the first year of a BTEC National Diploma/Certificate course. It also provides coverage for some other courses, including foundation/ bridging courses which require the study of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Coulomb ’ s Law

    A force exists between charged bodies. A force of attraction exists between opposite charges and a force of repulsion between like polarity charges. Coulomb’s law states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres.  In order to obtain a value for the force, a constant of proportionality must be introduced. In this case it is the permittivity of free space, E0 .

Basic Civil Engineering notes


Table of Contents 


1 Fundamentals 

1.1 Units

1.2 Standard Form Notation

1.3 ‘ Scientifi c ’ Notation

1.4 Conversion of Areas and Volumes

1.5 Graphs

1.6 Basic Electrical Concepts

1.7 Communication

2 D.C. Circuits

2.1 Resistors in Series 

2.2 Resistors in Parallel 

2.3 Potential Divider 

2.4 Current Divider

2.5 Series/Parallel Combinations

2.6 Kirchhoff ’ s Current Law

2.7 Kirchhoff ’ s Voltage Law

2.8 The Wheatstone Bridge Network

2.9 The Wheatstone Bridge Instrument

2.10 The Slidewire Potentiometer

3 Electric Fields and Capacitors

3.1 Coulomb ’ s Law

3.2 Electric Fields

3.3 Electric Field Strength (E)

3.4 Electric Flux () and Flux Density (D)

3.5 The Charging Process and Potential Gradient

3.6 Capacitance (C)

3.7 Capacitors

3.8 Permittivity of Free Space (ε0)

3.9 Relative Permittivity (εr)

3.10 Absolute Permittivity (ε)

4 Magnetic Fields and Circuits

4.1 Magnetic Materials

4.2 Magnetic Fields

4.3 The Magnetic Circuit

4.4 Magnetic Flux and Flux Density

4.5 Magnetomotive Force (mmf)

4.6 Magnetic Field Strength

4.7 Permeability of Free Space (0)

4.8 Relative Permeability (r)

4.9 Absolute Permeability ()

4.10 Magnetisation (B/H) Curve 

4.11 Composite Series Magnetic Circuits

4.12 Reluctance (S)

4.13 Comparison of Electrical, Magnetic and Electrostatic Quantities 

4.14 Magnetic Hysteresis

4.15 Parallel Magnetic Circuits

5 Electromagnetism

5.1 Faraday ’ s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

5.2 Lenz ’ s Law

5.3 Fleming ’ s Righthand Rule

5.4 EMF Induced in a Single Straight Conductor

5.5 Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor

5.6 The Motor Principle

5.7 Force between Parallel Conductors 

5.8 The Moving Coil Meter

5.9 Shunts and Multipliers

5.10 Shunts

5.11 Multipliers

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