Electronics - Circuits and Systems


Electronics - Circuits and Systems


Electronics - Circuits and Systems
Electronics - Circuits and Systems

    The book is essentially practical in its approach, encouraging students to assemble and test real circuits in the laboratory. In response to the requirements of certain syllabuses, the book shows how circuit behavior may be studied with a computer, using circuit simulator software.


    An electrical circuit is a pathway for the flow of electric current. In a direct current (or DC) circuit, the current flows in one direction. It flows from a point in the circuit that is at a high potential to a point in the circuit that is at a low potential. The circuit may be simple loop (like the one shown here) or it may be a network of two or more branches.

Three-Phase Transformers and AC Machines


Table of contents 

Part 1 Circuits 1

1. Diodes 5

2. Transistor Switches 11

3. Potential Dividers 25

4. Capacitors 31

5. Using Capacitors 41

6. Fields 51

7. Inductors 55

8. MOSFET Amplifiers 63

9. BJT Amplifiers 71

10. JFET Amplifiers 83

11. Operational Amplifiers 87

12. Applications of Op Amps 97

13. Active Filters 111

14. Oscillators 119

15. Power Amplifiers 123

Part 2 Systems

26. Audio and Video Systems 217

27. Noise 227

28. Telecommunications 233

29. Cable Transmission 247

30. Optical Transmission 253

31. Radio Transmission 257

32. Instrumentation Systems 269

33. Electronic Control Systems 277

34. Process Control Systems

Part 3 Microelectronic Systems 295

36. Input and Output 297

37. Processing 303

38. Programming

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