270 Electronics Project with Circuit Diagrams


270 Electronics Project with Circuit Diagrams

Suman Debnath's 270 Mini Electronics Project with Circuit Diagrams pdf is available for free download. The book is written for anyone who enjoys innovation. It is a large collection of ideas for doing innovative projects and creating something new. I believe this book will be beneficial to the students' mini-project. Please distribute, download, and recommend this book to Electronics students and innovators.

270 Electronics Project with Circuit Diagrams
270 Electronics Project with Circuit Diagrams

List of Some Electronics Projects included in The Book


1. DC-DC converter

2. Periodically On-Off Mosquito Repellent

3. IR sensors (infrared LEDs) to make an object-detection circuit

4. Simple Key-Operated Gate Locking System

5. Mains Box Heat Monitor

6. Faulty Car Indicator Alarm


8. 1W LED For Automotive Applications

9. Play With Robotic Eye (IR Sensor)

10. Timer From Old Quartz Clock

11. Keep Away Ni-Cd From Memory Effect

12. Crystal AM Transmitter

13. Programmable Electronic Dice

14. Software of the Month: Resistor Calculator

15. IR-Controlled Water Supply


16. PC-Based Candle Igniter

17. Noise Meter

18. Handy Tester

19. Linear Timer For General Use

20. Strain Meter

21. Digital Soil Moisture Tester

22. Over-Heating Indicator for Water Pipe

23. Simple Key-hole Lighting Device

24. Timer with Musical Alarm

25. Automatic Water Pump Controller

26. Water Pump Controller

27. Ball Speed Checker

28. Halogen lamp Saver For Bikes

29. Night Vision Enhancer

30. Triple-Mode Tone Generator



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