Circuit Engineering: The Beginner's Guide to Electronic Circuits and Basic Electronics


Circuit Engineering: The Beginner's Guide to Electronic Circuits and Basic Electronics

Circuit Engineering: The Beginner's Guide to Electronic Circuits and Basic Electronics
Circuit Engineering


    A beginner's guide to circuit engineering is provided in this book. The fundamentals of electric and electronic circuits are covered in this article. You will understand what a circuit is, what a semiconductor is, what a resistor, an inductor, a transformer, a circuit board is, and what electronics are in general.
    You'll also learn about some electrical safety precautions, a set of electronics-related skills, and get a brief introduction to reverse engineering, hacking, microcontroller programming, and robotics.
    As when you begin working on the suggested beginner circuit projects, you may put all you've learned to use. Additionally, you'll get a sneak glimpse at potential paths for career progression. Learning through doing is just as vital as reading about the subject's foundations and numerous ideas.
    You can use your newly acquired information in this manner. This book can help you determine whether you have what it takes to become proficient in circuit engineering. You probably have the endurance for the job, and you never know—you might find a great love for circuits and electronics.

What Is a Circuit?

    Both an electric circuit and an electronic circuit refer to a complete pathway for electric current, which starts and ends at a single point; it is a passage that allows the electricity to enter at one place, then, let it pass through a series of stops, and finally, leave it to exit at the same place


Table of Contents for Circuit Engineering: The Beginner's Guide to Electronic Circuits and Basic Electronics

Chapter I – First Things First: An Introduction to Circuit Engineering
Chapter II – The Anatomy of a Circuit
Chapter III – Resistance Isn’t Futile
Chapter IV – It’s Time to Measure the Electric Flow in a Circuit
Chapter V – Power Transfer at Max
Chapter VI – Laws, Laws & More Laws
Chapter VII – Understanding Electromagnetism
Chapter VIII – Let’s Talk Circuit Boards
Chapter IX – Sufficient Safety
Chapter X – Here’s a Multimeter for You!
Chapter XI - DIY Circuits: Simple Projects
Chapter XII – Making Your Way to Circuit Design: PCB Layouts & Schematic Diagrams
Chapter XIII – A Way Is through EDA
Chapter XIV – The Other Way around: Reverse Engineering
Chapter XV – Hacking the System
Chapter XVI – Advanced Circuit Engineering: Microcontrollers & Robots

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