Top 10 Job-Search Tips in the United Kingdom

Top 10 Job-Search Tips in the United Kingdom 

Getting a good job in the UK is as much about being prepared and knowing where to look and who to talk to as it is about having the necessary skills and qualifications. These top ten tips will help you put yourself in the best position to find and impress the right employer.

Be ready

First and foremost, you must create an excellent CV. Make it interesting and intriguing so that the potential employer wants to learn more about you. When you find a job that you want to apply for, create a great personal cover letter that is tailored to that specific job. If you are fortunate enough to be invited for an interview, do your homework and prepare thoroughly. Make a list of questions to ask that demonstrate your knowledge of the company.


"It's not what you know, it's who you know," as the old adage goes. The most important thing here is to talk to people. Discuss job or opportunity opportunities with friends and family. Contact people you met at career fairs and use social media to connect with them. Managers and directors are often sympathetic if you approach them because they have likely been in your shoes. Asking for volunteer and work experience is a good way to get your name out there.

Make them come to you.

By creating an up-to-date CV and posting it online, you allow potential employers to find you and save yourself the time of chasing them down. There are some excellent websites that allow you to do so. Ensure that your online profiles give the right impression to potential employers, as they will likely research you in the same way that you will research them. It is prudent to ensure that social media profiles are either hidden or employer friendly and professional, and that any embarrassing pictures are removed!

Select your employer

Choose a company for which you'd like to work and target them. Make an effort to find a company that matches your skills and personality. Examine the skills they require and tailor your CV to meet them. Learn everything you can about them so you can be prepared for the interview.

Make a comeback

There is no denying that job searching can be difficult. Most people face setbacks and rejections. The most important thing is to get back up and keep applying for jobs, to stay motivated, and to learn from your mistakes. When you receive a rejection, the best thing you can do is request feedback so that you can improve your application or interview the next time.

Get up early.

If you're very clever and keep your ear to the ground, you might be able to learn about the ideal job before it's even advertised. This is an excellent way to get ahead of the competition.

Online job postings

There are numerous websites dedicated to matching people with the ideal job. However, these websites may post thousands of new job listings every day. To avoid trawling through all of the jobs that aren't relevant to you, try using an advanced search facility to narrow down your requirements. Google alerts can save you a lot of time and effort. This is a free service that matches your criteria to new job openings and allows you to receive job alerts as soon as they are posted. You have the option of receiving immediate alerts or daily roundups.

Look Locally

Local newspapers are an excellent source of local jobs, particularly casual or temporary work. Although it may appear archaic, it is also worthwhile to look in newsagent's windows or libraries for advertisements that have been placed there. This can be an effective method of both offering and finding jobs in your community.

Jobs in a specific industry

If your skills are specialized and you want to work in a specific industry, you should look through trade publications. Look for smaller-circulation newsletters or trade magazines with jobs that are more tailored to your skill set. Jobs that are less widely advertised mean that you will face fewer competitors for that position.

Use of social media

Social media is an increasingly popular and effective tool for job searching. Companies post job openings on Twitter and, of course, LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great place to put yourself out there and be discovered, or to look for a job that matches your interests. Employers are increasingly using this service to find the ideal candidate. Join the online community to increase your visibility.


Using the tips above will not guarantee you your dream job, but it will put you in the best position to take advantage of opportunities that not everyone will be aware of, increasing your chances of success.


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